Congratulations Erin Wade
Suitable for Young Adults We are editing a selection of our #1 Bestsellers to make them appropriate for Young Adult Readers. We hope you will find these novels helpful in providing your teens action/adventure, mystery, and fantasy books that present stories of mutual respect and love between women of strong character. A good story is a good story no matter the gender of the main characters. Here at Wade Write Publishing we strive to provide role models of strong, independent, caring, and kind women in our books. All the books in our Young Adult Series will prominently feature the logo above to make it easy for you to identify the books appropriate for your young adults. We hope you will find the books suitable, entertaining, and educational for the young women in your life who may be struggling with their identity or just simply want to find relatable books. As always, we welcome your feedback and hope you will send us your ideas and suggestions to erin@wadewritepublications.com
Our first offering is
Erin Wade’s latest #1 Bestseller in Lesbian Action/Adventure, “Dark
Justice: Book #1 God’s Canyon,” a
Donna is an award winning magazine
Erin is a #1 Bestselling Lesbian action,
adventure and romance writer.
Join Major Ricky Strong and wife, former Texas governor Christine
Richmond on their first all-lesbian cruise. Our main characters from the
#1 Bestselling Novel
"Too Strong to Die"
join a cast of intriguing and dangerous women on this week-long cruise
through the Caribbean. Below is the first chapter of "Doomsday Cruise." Chapter 1Captain Stacy Barrett watched as passengers of all sizes and ages boarded her cruise ship. “Uh, oh,” she mumbled out loud watching two extremely beautiful women laughing and talking as they waited to go through the security check. Barrett was used to single, needy women in search of mates taking her Caribbean cruises. None were as beautiful as the two currently standing at the check-in desk. Obviously, some travel agent had made a grave error. Inhaling deeply, Captain Barrett approached the two beauties, introduced herself and asked them to come with her. “What’s wrong, Captain?” the blonde woman asked. “Nothing is wrong,” Barrett smiled her best public relations smile. “I think you have inadvertently been booked on the wrong cruise.” Although I certainly wouldn’t mind looking at you two for the next seven days. “Doesn’t this cruise take us to Key West, The Bahamas, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, a two-day layover in Belize, then back to Galveston?” the gorgeous brunette inquired. “Yes,” Captain Barrett blushed slightly, “but so does the ship departing from dock four. I believe that is the ship you should be boarding.” The brunette pulled their tickets and itinerary from her purse and studied them for a moment. “Isn’t this the Gala Lady?” She frowned as she handed her tickets to Barrett. Barrett turned a darker shade of red. “Yes, but this is a lesbian cruise,” she blurted. “Ah,” the tall blonde smiled slightly. “They have booked us on a lesbian cruise.” “What,” the brunette scowled then began laughing. She gently took her papers from the captain’s hands, folded them, and replaced them in her purse. “My wife and I are on the right ship, Captain.” ## Christine Richmond fell back onto the bed laughing. Her partner frowned, then joined in her merriment. “Can you believe the first ship our company builds for the cruise line industry caters to the lesbian community?” Christine laughed. “Somehow, it seems right that you developed the cruise ship division and our flagship’s maiden voyage is one for lesbians.” Ricky Strong grinned. “Although I must admit, I’m not thrilled about taking you into a hotbed of lesbians.” “And why not?” Christine murmured as she kissed her wife’s lips. “I will spend the entire cruise fighting off aggressive women who are attracted to you.” Ricky flipped her gorgeous wife onto her back and looked down into the dark eyes that had captivated her soul years ago. “We’re both wearing wedding rings.” Christine’s eyes sparkled as Ricky gently caressed her. “That lets the world know we are off the market.” “There are those in both the hetero and homo segment who consider a wedding ring on a beautiful woman a challenge.” Ricky moaned. “What are you doing?” “Reminding you of why you wear that ring.” Christine grinned as she pulled the blonde down for a long, scorching kiss. “Believe me, all I have to do is look at you to know why I’ll never stop wearing this ring.” Ricky slipped her hands beneath her wife’s pullover, easily pulled it over her head, and expertly unfastened her bra. “Oh, God,” Ricky whispered caressing Christine’s body. “I love your breasts and your lips and your—” A loud knock at their door interrupted their love making. “Shush, be quiet,” Christine said breathlessly. “They’ll go away. I’ll die if you stop now.” The insistent knocking continued. “Please open the door,” a voice pleaded. “I need help.” Ricky pulled her shirt over her head and slipped back into her slacks. “Just a minute,” she yelled as she walked across the stateroom. Ricky opened the door and a young woman fell across the threshold landing face down on the carpet. The former Texas Ranger didn’t need to take her pulse. Ricky knew a corpse when she saw one.
AN AMAZON BESTSELLER in LGBT. A Lesbian, Action and Adventure, Love Story. This Lesbian short story by Erin Wade is karma at its finest. When a Gypsy promises Eva Mora a magic trinket if she will raise the Gypsy's son, Eva agrees. Not for the trinket, but because she had fallen in love with the baby boy. Eva has no concept of the trinket's power or what she may be called upon to do to ensure the boy's happiness and safety. When beautiful Nicole Windsor appears in Eva's life the trinket takes on an entirely different meaning and significance.
Copyright: Wade Write
Publishing 2021
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